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Well, that truly is a big question, but it has a short answer; Jamie was, is and always will be our best friend. 

His name was Jamie Norton


A friend to quite literally everyone, he was someone who offered advice and comfort when you were down, someone who never failed to put a smile on your face, and someone that would be there for you, whenever you needed him, no matter what - that was Jamie. 


Jamie had voiced how he felt that he was put on this planet to do something big, to help people;

to make a difference. He succeeded in doing this, as he made such a huge impact on all of our lives with his friendship and the love he gave us - he made us happy.


To put into context the love that so many people felt for him, here is something that was written a few days after we realised we wouldn't see him again: 

































In his determination to help people, Jamie walked the Yorkshire Three Peaks in honour of mental health and to raise money and awareness for the cause. 


We lost Jamie to his mental health in February of 2022, and it was the most heart breaking moment we have ever, and most likely will ever, experience. 


And all of this brings us onto the rest of our story


"Someone who helps you find the light when you are in the dark. Someone who finds you when all you can feel is lost. Someone who makes you laugh when you don’t even feel like you can fathom a smile. Someone that you can turn to, and they will be there, every time, with a shoulder for you to lean on. That is a friend. And that is what Jamie was to all of us. He was truly a light in the darkness of this world. 


I think when you lose someone life just feels like it has lost all purpose, like the world has come to a stop and nothing quite feels real. Jamie has stopped our world. He was just one of those wonderful people that you, if you’re lucky, will maybe meet one of in your lifetime. He was a one off and there are no words to describe how privileged we are to have known and loved him. 


The frustrating thing is that, often you only realise how much you love something until it’s gone, but with Jamie we all knew how much we loved him from the moment we met him. There is no difference now in our love for him, only that we must love him in his absence."

Jamie Norton, who struggled with his mental health.
Jamie Norton, who struggled with his mental health.
Jamie Norton, who struggled with his mental health.


We are taking on Jamie's
role, and continuing his work
in helping others by being
a truly incredible friend.
We are your friend now. 

Jemma Booth, the website creator.

This is me

My name is Jemma Booth,
and Jamie was a good friend to me.
I want to help, and I want all men to understand that it is okay to not be okay, but to please get help, because we love you, and we don't want to lose you.

Why are we doing this?


By we, I refer to Jamie and I, because while he is no longer with us, I know he would want someone to help people as he did. I am no expert on mental health, but I am a friend, who wants to help.

When we lost Jamie, I looked into the help that men could access and I could not find anything like this site; there wasn't anything that offered instant comfort and support.

So, this is why I felt I had to create a website such as this one, to fill the gap and offer the support I feel has been missing for a long time.


What will this site do? How will it help?

'Jamie' offers help in a different way.

If you need immediate help then you need to follow the 'Get Help' page to find professional support and helplines.

However, this site offers comfort and support that comes from a friend. I do not have the qualifications that a mental health professional does, but i do know that men who are struggling with their mental health need friends and comfort now more than ever. 

Jamie allows men who might be afraid to talk about their mental health to seek a friend without having to talk, and to find posts that will help you through the day, one day at a time.

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If you are experiencing mental health issues that will put you at risk of harming yourself, or if you are concerned about someone you know harming themselves, click the link below to find help.

You are here for personal matters, we know that, so we don't use unnecessary cookies  - you are safe here.

Copyright 2023 Jamie

All Rights Reserved

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